
This dance is performed by leaning one’s head back and wobbling with loosely held arms. The movements resemble the character Bernie Lomax’s walk from the 1993 comedy film Weekend at Bernies II. It became popular with the release of a youtube music video for the song “Weekend At Bernie’s Dance” by the rap artist Tre-Doh. In the video, Tre-Doh falls asleep while watching the 1993 comedy film Weekend at Bernie’s II and dreams about performing the Bernie dance.
In Action
This is the original inspiration of the dance from the movie Weekend At Bernie's II
How-To Instruction
Honestly, this dance doesn't need instruction but we'll include this for posterity.
Songs To Practice To
1. Weekend At Bernie's Dance by Tre-Doh
2. Moving Like Bernie by ISA
3. We Dem Boys by Wiz Khalifa