The Foxtrot originated in the summer of 1914 by Vaudeville actor Harry Fox. It was first seen in the on the roof of the New York Theatre....
In 2008, ballet classes were instituted for police officers in western Romania to help them move elegantly while directing traffic.
Unlicensed dancing in public is illegal in Sweden including "illegally moving your feet to music".
Research has proved that dancing also reduces stress and tension for the mind and body. Studies have shown that dancing also prevents...
Breakdancing was first created as a "less lethal" form of fighting between warring African-American street gangs in 1970s Bronx area of...
African slaves brought to Brazil 300-400 years ago were prohibited from practicing martial arts so they developed the mix of dancing and...
International Dance Day is celebrated every year on April 29, the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), the creator of modern...
In 2008, the world’s first “sustainable” dance floor opened at Club Watt in Rotterdam, Sweden. The floor’s tiles each sit on springs...
You may know Tupac Shakur as the late rapping legend of the late 80s and early 90s, but what you may not know is that he used to do...
The "Dancing Plague"of 1518 was a mania that lasted a month and killed dozens of people in Strasbourg, France through exhaustion or heart...